St Clement Danes Parish:
Enfield Books - Parish Children put out to Nurse

24th April 1780 - 11th February 1792

About this document type

Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDBE356030044

Image 44 of 692nd June 1789


Childs Name


Mothers Name

Fathers Name


Remd. Ho Pearson Hannh< no role > : [mark]
Yrs Mos. Days 7 yrs Old Febry 1787.6:9:
Ann Pearsons< no role >
Wm. Pearson< no role >
the Husbd. Kept Ho in Church yd. she Mistress of the School. at Lowlayton 18th. May. 1787 Remd. from Enfield to the House Appead 16th June 1787to Bird Esqrs

Remd. Pearson Harriotts< no role > Mary [mark]
Admitted 4th Septr. 1786 suppored then abt. 3 years February 1787. 2:9:
Do. with Nurse Barton Enfield 15th. Septr 1786 7th Janry. 1792 Removed to the House & taken away by the Mother same day

Poole James< no role >
Admitted 1st May/83 suppored then abt. 11 Months old4:5:-
Margt Poole< no role >
12th Janry 1787 sent to Nurse March Enfield there in Febry 1792 from Lowlayton

Remd to Ho Pullen Mary< no role > [mark]
Admitted 9th Febry 1784 suppered to be then abt 8 years10:9:-
Blind Child
both/out to Lowlayton 26th Febry/84 afterwards Removed to Enfield 26th Augst 1792 Mary Pullen< no role > Remd to the House

Pullen William< no role >
Admitted same day suppored to be abt 1 yrs. 3:9: -}
Ann Pullen< no role >
Wm. Pullen< no role >
Passed to us with Fat. Mor. & 2 other Children 9 Feb. 1784 from St Botolph Aldgate this Child with Nurse Wray Enfield in Febry. 1792

Paine< no role > Payne John< no role > [..]
Born in the House 7th March 1785 [..]
Eliz Paine< no role >
Thos. Edward< no role > a Taylor he took 2 Childn. at Bridges At [..]
sent from the Workhouse where born the 21st April 1785 Hunbd. got a Settlemt by He is Browns be [..] Illegetimate sent to Nurse Yarrow Enfield 21st April 1785 was there in Febry. 1792

qe Pomeroy Ann< no role > [mark]
born decr. 17 1786 . in Workhouse . -:1: -
Mary Pomeroy< no role > This name instance is in set 630. This set is in the group(s): MothersCD .
Geo Judd< no role > , Journeyman to Mr Preston the Silk Mercer
Child sent to Enfield Father Apprehendd. & paid £15:15 sent 12th. Janry 1787 qe Dead or where [..] Removed

qe Pyett Benjn< no role > . [mark]
Child born 25 June 1786
Isabella Cain< no role > This name instance is in set 565. This set is in the group(s): MothersCD .
Benjn. Pyett< no role > a Copper Plate Printer lodged at No. 10. Staple Inn Buildrs.
Mor took Child 30 Augt 1786 at 2s. pr week Father never Apprehendd.

qe Price Jno< no role > . [mark]
Inn 28 Novr. 1782 at Mr. Ellacus Ship Yard.
Eearnr Sworn 1st Novr. 1785 The Mothers Settlemt. in St Jas. Westmr . Ann Raften< no role >
John Price< no role >
Father Apprehendd. [..] gone Secy. Bond. qe what is become of this Child

qe Pitts Eliza< no role > [mark]
{Born 8th. Febry. 88 in the House}
by living upwd 12 Months well Mr Bland yellin psh Martha Pett< no role > her Settlemt
Poor in the Kings Bench James White< no role >
The Child sent to Enfield to Nurse [..] Wray March 17th. 1788 It does not appear wher. this Child or Pettit Died or was Removed

qe Pettit Benjn< no role > . [mark]
Born 14th May 88 in the House
by living as an hired Yearly Servt with Mr Burchell Borwell< no role > that £8 Pr Ann Elizth. Pettit< no role > her Settlemt.
Richd. Norton< no role >
The Child sent to Nurse Rumbold Enfield 25th June 1788 Vide above The father never appears to have been taken

Dead Pirks Harriott< no role > [mark]
Born 2d. June 1789 as Mr Holliday's Gt Shire Lane Admitted 29th Decr 89 [..]
Mary Holliday< no role >
Wm. Pirks< no role >
The father paid £13.13.6 The Child sent to Enfield 7th Janry. 1790 to Nurse Jakins (Died there 27th. Octr./90

Proctor John< no role >
AdmittedAppApl. 1st./90 suppored to be4 Yrs4 Yrs
Aged abt.
(Child of Proctor of Surry Street Hair Dressr sent to Enfield 1st April/90 living with Nurse Wrights there febry 1792

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