Ordinary of Newgate Prison:
Ordinary's Accounts: Biographies of Executed Convicts

4th September 1724

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: OA172409042409040004

23rd October 1723

JOHN SHEPHERD< no role > This name instance is in set 3055. , a notorious Thief and House Breaker, (whose Life should have been inserted in this Paper, had he not made his narrow Escape from Death on Monday last , (about six in the Evening) we think it may not be improper, but of Service to the Publick to remind them that he is got loose from his Chains, by an almost impracticable and unheard of Machine and Invention; and who has often said, that there was neither Lock nor Key ever made, that he should make any difficulty to open; him! (whom, well Guarded and strong Prisons cannot contain, and who is now upon his wicked and bloody Range in the World) we hope the Publick will Contribute their utmost to defend themselves against; especially such upon whom he has vow'd a bloodly Revenge. Had the Intention of his procuring his Liberty after the manner he did, been the Reformation of his Life, it had not been culpable in him; but when we have too true Assurances, even from his own Mouth and Pen, of the Reverse of it; when he has been heard to say, that if ever good Fortune should set his Heels at Liberty, he would so effectually make clean work of his Facts; that there should not remain an Evidence to Swear against him; that he would increase the Number, as well as heighten the Quality of his Crimes: That these, and no less wicked and cruel were the Designs and Intentions of this inhuman barbarous Thief and House-Breaker: When his Country is thus threat'ned by him; we hope it will not be wanting (in its own Preservation) in doing what it can to detect him; that so Mankind may be rid of this Enemy; the Innocent clear'd; and the Offender punish'd.

And farther yet, to display our ingenious House-Breaker in his lively Colonrs; we shall inform you of a Robbery he committed on the 23d of October 1723 , and the Confession he made of it.

This Shepherd having deserted his Master's (Mr. Wood's) Service, took Shelter in the House of one Mr. Charles in May-Fair and there Lodg'd; and the Landlord (having an occasion for some Repairs in his House) engaga'd one Mr. Panton to undertake them; who did so; and this Shepherd (being there Lodg'd) was as a Journeyman to the Person aforesaid; but e're the Repair was compleat, he took occasion to rob the People of the Things following, viz. Seven Pound Ten Shillings in Specie, 5 large silver

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