Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

June 1709

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501060012

Image 12 of 8024th May 1709

Duke of Anjou, and Monsieur Amelot the French Am-
bassador, concerning the Operations of the next Cam-
paign. They heard from Estramadura, that 6 Battalions
of Spanish and Walloon Guards had joined the Army at
Gevora, where the Marquis de Bay had assembled his
Troops, and designed to advance towards the Frontiers
of Portugal.

Hague, May 14 . N. S. On the 12th Instant Prince Eu-
gene arrived here from Brussels. The Prince of Nassau
having notified to the States his Marriage with a Princess
of Hesse-Cassel, their High Mightinesses have writ him
a Letter of Congratulation in the most obliging Terms.
New Ministers daily arrive here from Foreign Princes.
His Grace the Duke of Marlborough is expected with
great impatience. Yesterday the Ambassador from his
Czarish Majesty received an Account of two Engagements
between the Swedes and Muscovites, one on the coth,
the other on the 14th of February, in both which his
Master had the Advantage. The same Day his Excellen-
cy communicated this Advice to the States, and all the
Foreign Ministers residing here. Two Battalions of the
Blue Guards, which were Quarter'd in this Place, are
marched towards Flanders; and they write from Lisle,
that the remainder of the great Convoy of Provisions and
Ammunition was arrived there, without any Opposition
from the Enemy; and another was suddenly expected.
Letters from Italy say, that the King of Denmark left
Florence on the 23d of the last Month , in order to return
to his own Dominions by the way of Parma, Modena,
Venice and Tirol. They add, that Advices from Barce-
lona informed them, that two Britain [..] en of War and
ten Transports were arrived there with 600 Horses on
Board, which were part of the 1400 expected from Sar-
dinia. There came in at the same time five other Vessels
loaden with Corn. We hear the Prince Royal of Prussia
is arrived at Mastricht; and that the Prince of Wolsem-
buttel was come to Amsterdam, in his way to Aix-la-Cha-

Deal, May 7 . Yesterday sailed her Majesty's Ships the
Rochester Deptford, Queenborough, Medway's Prize and
Postilion, with about 40 Vessels, most of which are loaden
with Corn, for Oftend.

Whereas her Majesty hath been pleased by her Order
in Council, dated the 28th of April last , to direct, That
the Captains of Her Ships and Vessels of War and Priva-
teers, Shall be forthwith ordered to Stop all Neutral Ships
and Vessels Whatsoever, that Shall be loaden with Corn, and
be bound to France, or the Enemies Country, and to
bring them into Some of Her Majesty's Ports, until Her Ma-
jesty's Pleasure be further known therein; the Rt. Hon. Tho-
mas Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, Etc. Lord High-
Admiral of Great Britain and Ireland, Etc. does hereby di-
rect and require all Captains and Commanders of Her Ma-
jesty's Ships and Vessels of War, and all Captains of Ships
having Letters of Marque, or Commissions for private Men
of War, Strictly to observe Her Majesty's Said Order in Council,
and to conform themselves thereunto accordingly; and that
upon their bringing in any Such Vessels with Corn, they do de-
liver them to she Officer of Her Majesty's Customs at the Port
to which they Shall bring them.

The Rt. Hon. Thomas Earl of Pembroke and Montgome-
ry, Etc. Lord High-Admiral of Great Britain and Ireland,
Etc. is pleased to direct, that the Men belonging to the War-
wick do forthwith repair on Board her Majesty's ship the
Blenheim at Woolwich, to assist in the carrying her from
thence to Chatham, and then they will be paid their Wages
due in the Said Ship Warwick.

Thomas Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, Etc. Lord
High-Admiral of Great Britain and Ireland, Etc. is pleased
to direct, That all the Men which are in and about London,
belonging to Her Majesty's Ship the Nonsuch, do forthwith
repair to their Duty on Board the Said Ship at Deptford,
otherwise they will be taken up and Prosecuted as Deserters.

Notice is hereby given by the Paymaster of the Malt-
Lottery Tickets, that Mony was reserved in the Receipt of
Her Majesty's Exchequer on the 6th of this Instant May ,
1709. to Satisfie the 100th Payment of the Said Tickets, which
are numbred from 79000 to 80000 Inclusive, and all In-
terest due on Such of the Said Tickets as bear Interest to the
6th of May as aforesaid, which Mony will be paid as the
Malt-Lottery Office at the Exchequer, on demand.

By Order of the High Court of Admiralty.
This is to give Notice, That the Ship Rolland of Antigue
(whereof Francis Boullay< no role > was late Master ) burthen about
45 Tuns, Plantation-built, with her Apparel, Furniture and

Lading, consisting of 60 Cases of white Normandy Win-
dow- Glass, now lying at Cowes , in the Isle of Wight , and
Condemn'd as Perquisite of Admiralty, which was intend-
ed to have been exposed to Sale at Lloyd's Coffee-house in
Lombard Street , London , on Monday the 2d Instant , will be
exposed to Sale on Tuesday the 17th Instant , at three in the
Afternoon precisely at the Same place. Inventories will be ready
to be delivered out on Tuesday next at the place of Sale.

The Royal African Company do hereby give notice, that
there will be a General Meeting of all the Creditors of the
Said Company, at their House in Leaden-hall-Street, on Tuesday
the coth of this Instant May, at three of the Clock in the
Afternoon; and that the last General Court of all their Ad-
venturers was adjourn'd till Wednesday the 11th of this In-
Start May , at 9 in the Forenoon, of which all Persons con-
cern'd are desired to take notice.

The Trustees appointed by the late Governour and Com-
[..] of Merchants of London, trading into the East Indies,
[..] monty call'd the Old East. India Company, do hereby give
Notice, That all the Creditors of the Said Company, whose
[..] ts are Secured by Bond, or otherwise adjusted, who are
to be paid in England in pursuance of the Most Honouable
the Lord Treasurer's Award, do forthwith leave their De-
mands, or Some Note or Memorial thereof, with Mr. Samuel
< no role > , and Mr. Thomas Grainger< no role > , or one of them, at the
East-India House in Leaden-Hall-Street .

Notice is hereby given by the Directors of the Amicable
Contributionship for Insuring Houses against Loss by Fire,
That a General Meeting will be held at their Office at Tom's
Coffee-house in St. Martin's Lane near Charing-Cross, on
Thursday the 19th Instant , at two in the Afternoon, pur-
suant to the Deed of Settlement, when and where all Persons
concern's are desired to be present.


WHereas Samuel Pacey< no role > , Esq ; late Receiver-General for the
County of Suffolk , dyed suddenly at Epsom about June last,
without any of his Relations near him; and whereas his Books and
Accounts cannot be found, whereby tis supposed several Sums of
Mony due to the said Pacey are not yet discovered; if any Person
will discover to Mr. William Wriglesworth< no role > , Attorney, in Abchurch-
lane , London , any Sums of Mony belonging to the deceased, not
yet Center of what shall be recovered upon such Discovery; to be
paid them by the said Mr. William Wriglesworth< no role > .

WHereas on the 30th of April last , Joseph Wheeler< no role > , Brush-
maker by Trade, took away from Daniel Quare< no role > , Watch-
maker in Exchange Alley , London Mony and Bille of value; if any
person secures him, so as he may be brought to the said D. Quare, he
shall have 10 l. Reward: But if the said Joseph Wheeler< no role > surrenders
himself with the said Mony and Bills before the 16th Instant , he
shall be allowed 40 l. to make good any Deficiencies thereof. The
said 10 l. to be paid, and 40 l. allowed by the said D. Quare. Note,
This is the last Offer that the said Joseph Wheeler< no role > shall have. He is a
square well-set Man, about 5 foot 5 inches high, goes with his Toes
outward, inclined to a sandy Complexion, with a dark Grey Eye, pret-
ty full fac'd, and a Dimple in his Chin, with artificial blue Spot er
Spots upon his Right-hand, about 34 or 35 Years of Age, went away
in a short brown Wig, light Drugget Coat, and dark Drugget Wastcoat.

WHereas a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded against Joseph
< no role > , of London , Vintner , and he being declared a Bank-
rupt, is hereby required to surrender himself to the Commissioners
on the 12th and 19th Instant , and on the 8th of June next , at 3 in
the Afternoon, at the Irish-Chamber in Guildhall , London ; at the
first of which Sittings the Creditors are to come prepared to prove
their Debts, pay Contribution-mony, and chuse Assignees.

WHereas a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded against Ayl-
mer Blechenden
< no role > of Deal , in the County of Kent , Chapman ,
and he being declared a Bankrupt, is required to surrender himself
to the Commissioners on the 12th and 19th Instant , and on the 8th of
June next , at the Irish-chamber in Guildhall London , at the 8th of
Afternoon; at the first of which Sittings the Creditors are to Come
prepared to prove their Debts, pay Contribution-mony, and chuse

WHereas a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded against Hen-
ry May
< no role > and Jacob May< no role > of Spittlefields , in the County of
Middlesex ; Dyers and Partners , and they being declared Bankrupts,
are required to surrender themselves to the Commissioners on the
11th and 18th Instant, and on the 8th of June next , at 3 Afternoon,
at the Irish chamber in Guildhall , London ; at the first of which Sit-
tings the Creditors are to come prepared to prove Debts, pay Contri-
bution-mony, and chuse Assignees.

THE Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt awarded a-
gainst Thomas Snell< no role > of London , Silkthrower , intend to meet
on the 24th Instant , at 4 in the Afternoon, at Guildhall , Lon-
don , to make a Dividend of the said Bankrupt's Estate; when and
where all Persons concerned are to come prepared pay their Con-
tribution-mony, and prove their Debts, or they will be excluded;
and at which time the said Snell intends to finish his Examination,
and where his Creditors may attend to assent to or diffent from the
Allowance of his Certificate.

WHereas the acting Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt
awarded against William Curtis< no role > of Bury St. Edmunds , in
the County of Suffolk , Mercer , have certify'd to the Right Honou-
rable the Lord High-Chancellor of Great Britain, that the said Willi-
am Curtis
< no role > hath in all things conformed himself to the late Acts of
Parliament made against Bankrupts; this is to give Notice, That his
Certificate will be confirmed as the said Acts direct, unless Cause be
shewn to the contrary on or before the 30th of this Instant.

Printed by 7 Tonson at Grays-Inn Gate. 1709:

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