Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

27th October 1757 - 9th December 1762

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO556040069

Image 69 of 26726th April 1759

to Lords and others (which have Goals) their Franchise in this Case. And
that the said Committe were of Opinion that the Common Goals for the
County are those of Newgate , New Prison and Clerkenwell Bridewell , as
those of the Gatehouse and Tothill Fields Bridewell are for the City and
Liberty of Westminster , and that committing Persons for Offences arising
in any Parishes in the said County to the Goals of Westminster by any
Magistrate of this County the said Committee apprehended was contrary to
Law and greatly injurious to the Liberty and properly of his Majestys
Subjects for the following reasons


First. That Persons thus committed for Offences arising in the County at
large which are by Law bailable are deprived of their right of being bailed
and discharged by the Justices in the Commission for the County only, as such
Justices have not any Jurisdiction over the Goals of the City of Westminster
and thus the Bail and Discharge of Persons so committed becomes
attached to the Justices who are in the Commission for both the County and the
said City and Liberty.


That it deprives the Clerk of the peace and the Keepers of the Goals of
this County of the Fees they intitled to by Law from Persons committed to
the County Prisons.


That the Fees of the Gatehouse are more than double those of New
Prison which renders it extreamly appressive to the Poor who are unable
to obtain Bail.


That every Person committed to Prison is by Law intitled to their
discharge at the Goal Delivery, where no Prosecution is commenced, or
the Indictment is returned by the Jury Ignoramus, or Articles of the
Peace not exhibited, or refused by the Court, unless special Cause be
shown by the Court. And there being only four Goal Deliverys in the year
at Westminster and double that Number in the County, persons comitted
to the Goals of Westminster for Offences done in the County are
subjected to lay double the time in Prison which Oppression too often
throws their Familys upon the Parish And in Case of Persons thus
committed for Misdemeanors done in the County, as they are not triable
at Westminster , such Persons must be removed to Newgate which is an
Act of cruelly to the Prisoner and putts the Prosecutor to difficulty
and expence whereas if such Prisoners had been committed to the Goal of
New prison or Clerkenwell Bridewell they then would be in the
Custody of the Court, And this was the Case of one Judith Kyley< no role > the
last Sessions who being committed by Mr. St. Lawrence to the
Gatehouse for a Misdemeanor committed in the County was removed
from thence to Newgate

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