Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

28th February 1734 - 14th April 1743

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO556010237

Image 237 of 56329th June 1738

By Adjornmt. on Thursday the 29th. day of June 1738

Order for Mr. John Higgs< no role >
Trearer of Middx to pay
the charge for printing in
one or more of the
publick News papers an
Order of this Quarter
Sessions for altering the
time of holding the next
General Sessions of the
peace for Middx}

It is Ordered by this Court that the charge of Printing in one
or more publick New papers an Order of this present Quarter
Sessions made on this day for altering the time of holding the
next General Sessions of the peace for the County of Middx (which.
was intended to beginn on the fourth day of September One
thousand Seven hundred and thirty eight) be [..] paid by Mr.
John Higgs< no role > Treasurer of the Said County out of the County
rent, And that the Same Shall be allowed to him on his
produceing a receipt or receipts for the Same.

By Adjornmt. on Thursday the 29th. day of June 1738

Order of Recomendation
for Justices of the peace to
act in their respective
Divisions only at their
appointed Meetings &
not at their own houses
for putting the Gin Act< no role > .
in execution}

A Complaint haveing been made to this Court that Some
Justices of the peace of this County have, contrary to the
Resolutions taken at a General Meeting of his Maties Justices
of the peace for the Said County, reced Informations at their
own houses against persons liveing out of the Divisions where
Such Justices reside for Selling or retaling Geneva or other
Spirituous liquors in less quantity than two gallons, without
licence, contrary to the tenor of the late Act of Parliament,
intituled, An Act for laying a Duty upon the Retalersthereof
of Spirituous liquors and for licensing the Retalers thereof,
comonly called the Gin Act< no role > but have not issued their Sumons for the Offender to appear before the Justices meeting in their respective Divisions This Court to prevent irregular
proceedings in relation to the Said matter Doth Order that
it be And It is hereby recomended unto his Majesty< no role > 's Justices
of the peace for this County to act and proceed to the conviction of [..] persons Offending
against the Said Act of Parliament in their respective
Divisions only at their Meetings appointed for that purpose,
and not at their own houses,

By Adjornmt. on Thursday the 29th. day of June 1738

Order for Mr. John Higgs< no role >
the Trearer of Middx to pay
two guineas to Mr. Lucas
Henna [..]
Sollicitor in Parliamt. for
his trouble in Searching
for precedents on behalf of
the Justices of the peace in
the matter of complaint agt.
them to the House of

It is Ordered by this Court that Mr. John Higgs< no role > the Treasurer of this County
do out of the moneys by him received to defray the expence in and
about making the defence to the allegations contained in the
Petition of complaint which was preferred to the honble. House of
Commons against the Justices of the peace of the Said County,
pay unto Mr. Lucas Kenn< no role > a Sollicitor in Parliament [..]
[..] the Sum of two guineas as a gratuity
for his trouble & pains in Searching in Order to find out if any
Precedents had formerly occurred in the Said House which
might be made use of on behalf of the Said Justices in
relation to the matter aforesaid which was depending before the
Said honble. House, And that the receipt of the Said Mr. Kenn
together with this Order Shall be a Sufficient discharge to the Said
Treasurer for Such payment.

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