City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

28th September 1733 - 23rd December 1734

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150450043

Image 43 of 13714th October 1734

To the Right Honourable Sr. William Billers< no role > Knight Lord Mayor of the City of
London and he rest of his Majesties Justices of the peace of the Said City in their Genrall
Quarter Sessions of the Peace Assembled

The Petition and Appeal of Roger Pemberton< no role > and James Furness< no role >

Humbly Sheweth

That your Petitioner Roger Pemberton< no role > hath Occupyed the business of a Stable keeper in the parish of St. Catherine Soleman Said on
upwards of twenty yeares whereby he requires and hath a large spott of Ground in the Said parish that the rents att £20 a year part of
which hath been for the said time Occupyed used and lett as a Taphouse but never considered in the parish rates otherwise
them as the prmisses of the said Roger Pemberton< no role > and when ever he lett the same what rent he Advanced thereon was
alway's increased by the said Roger Pembertons paying the taxes and Indempnifying Such Tapster from the Said parish

That till of late Yeares your Petitioner Pomberton hath been moderately rated The prmisses he now Enjoy's never Exceeding
the Sume of three pounds a year which at 1s per pound is att the rent of £60 a year & is the same he is ratted and pays to the Land

That in the yeares 1725: 26: 27: 28: & 29 your Said Petitioner Pemberton paid for the Whose prmisses 400s year and
one Mr. Fuller was rated at £3:8s a year but every year since you said petitioner hath been raised in the Said rates and Still the
Said Mr. Fuller (who is a Gentleman of very, Great worth and deales for above £20000 a year) is continued at £3:8s a Year which
greivance your Petitioner hath Complained of to this Court for these two years last past and hath had releife and perticularly
the last time it was thought that the Offer of your sd. petitioner Pemberton conseating himselfe to be raised at £60 be a Year was
rather more that his Abilitys (in proporcon So other parishioners) woud allow of, and the then Churchwardens by the recommend acon
of this Court Complyed with such Offer and reced the money from which your said Petitioner Pemberton well heped he should
not have had any further trouble.

That notwithstanding the Extraordinary Charge and Expence he hath been att and instead of being quieted in his rates the prsent
Churchwardens hath again increased your Petitioner Tembertons rate to £120 a year for they have rated him at £90 a year and
his Tapster your petitioner Furness at £30 a year and this being a pound rate at 1s. in the pound your petitioner Pemberton
instead of being rated a £43 this Year as he Expected he is advanced at 6s a year and yett Mr: Fuller Mr. Boddicoate £11 Dupare
Mr. Isaace Mr. Breholt Mr. Love Mr. Maud Mr. Norsett Mr. King and Mr. Parish are Gentlemen of much greater worth by thousands.
than your Petitioners and most of them who keep their Coaches Continued at the same rates then formerly were none paying
above 60s a year to the said rates Except Mr Fuller who pays 68s a Year and whats is more Oppressive your said petitioner
Pemberton is threatened by the prsent Officers that Nuless he Comply with the said rate they will give him the trouble and
Expence of appealing every Year al thos' this Court should be of Opinion to releive him in the said rate or words to that Effect

That as the sd. primes were in all former rates never constaned to Extend to more than what was in possession of your said
Petitioner Pemberton Exclusive of his Tapster he humbly hopes the Contrivance of putting in his Tapsters name James Furness< no role >
shall not be made an Aditionall Charge on the prmisses being the Consideration he receives for his Said Tapp is Advanced on
accounts of your said Petioner Pemberton paying the rates as aforesaid.

Wherefore your Petitioners humbly think themselves aggreived
and do appeale to the sd. rate and assessments made by the Churchwardens
and Overseers of the poor of the said parish of St. Catherine Coleman.
London for this prsent year to your Lordshipp and Worshipps In as much
as the same is an Unequall rate as before sett forth and not made
according to Law And humbly pray they may be heard in the prmisses And
that the Churchwardens and Overseers of the poor of the parish of Saith
Catherine Coleman May Appeal to hear and abide by the Judgement
and determinacon of your Lordship and Worships touching the sd.

And your Petitioners as in Duty bound shall ever
pray Etc

Roger Pemberton< no role >
James Furnese< no role >

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