City of London Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

3rd January 1799 - 31st December 1799

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMCLIC650120530

Image 530 of 85826th June 1799

Richard Waiter< no role > of No.7 Steney Lane
Southwark labour or maketh oath that last
Monday Morning Dept was employed with his master
dray drawing Butts offthis dray stood in
Bermondsey street near the Royal oak -be ladder
was stands in the street esa [..] a house on the
opposite side of the way but a dozen yards be te [..]
behend the dray, & the deced was upon the ladder near
the lot-that three or frur larts passed property
one after the other & the last Cast,the off wheel of it
struck agains the ladder & be at it down & the
deced pell to the ground-the Cart was going a portle
walk & the man who whom it was on the proper side
of his houses

Sworn the 26th. June 1799
before me

T Shelton Corr< no role >


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