St Dionis Backchurch Parish:
Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor Account Books

1689 - 1720

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLDBAC300000389

Image 389 of 577 1698

An Accompt of Money paid by John Lambe< no role >
for Accot. of the parrish of St. Dyonis
Back Church London vizt
£ s d
1698 June 28th Paid Ann Harris< no role > a ¼ Pention01 03 00
Paid Ann Wagstaffe< no role > a ¼ Pention02 12 00
Paid Mary Gould< no role > a ¼ Pention01 19 00
Paid Mary Martin< no role > A ¼ Pention02 05 00
Paid Margarett Fox< no role > a ¼ Pention & her Bill02 19 00
29 Paid Wm: Court a ¼ Pention01 19 02
Paid Sarah Ipsley< no role > her Bill for Nurseing a ¼09 12 02
Paid Mary Fairscloth< no role > her Bill for Nurseing ¼11 05 00
July 1st Paid Nurse Peace for Mary Nation01 10 00
Paid Mary Bull< no role > for Nurseing Oares Child01 17 00
5 Paid Mrs Pinkine wth Ann Hammond< no role > as her Apprentice & Clothing her Spent 1s:1d07 01 00
Augst 2: Paid Goody Feun of St Albans a ¼ wth a fter Dyenis01 17 00
4: Paid Nurse Peirse< no role > for Mary Nation00 16 00
10: pd Mrs Smith wth. Sarah Dyonis as an Apprentice & for Clothing & Speat 2s07 02 00
31: Paid for Emptyeing Mr Cookes banff< no role > 00 18 00
Sept: 6th. Paid for mending A Bell00 08 00
9. Paid a Years Connex Lights00 12 00
10: Paid ye Bell hanger00 03 00
pd: for hinging up 5 Children from Hatfeild00 07 00
Octobr 3 pd Wm. Coates< no role > a ¼01 12 00
pd. Ann Harris< no role > a ¼01 03 00
pd. Mary Gould< no role > a ¼01 06 00
pd. Sarah Ipsley< no role > for Nurseing [..] 6 Children a ¼10 01 03
pd. Mary Martin< no role > a ¼02 05 0 [..]
4: pd Ann Wagt affe a ¼01 12 06
pd. a quarters Rent00 03 [..]
pd. Margarett Fox< no role > her Bill02 00 00
pd. for Sending downe ye Children that came from Hatfeild to ye Nurses of Chigwell &
Dyett}01 12 [..]
13 pd. Mr Parnell< no role > for 9 Groffe of Taggs01 07 [..]
pd for Term Dozen of Rodds00 07 [..]
pd Nurse Fenn of St Albans a ¼01 17 00
pd. All Charges for burying Mary Nation03 12 06
pd. Mr Francis Lee< no role > what money he was out of Pockett on ye prish Acc [..] 6 as
Churchwarden}22 05 [..]
pd Mary Bull< no role > for Nursing Oars Child01 17 [..]
pd for [..] Linnen for ye 5 Children sent to Nurse03 15 [..]
pd Mr Fox for keeping them till they went to Nurse00 03 [..]
Nov: 4: pd for ringing ye Bells00 10 00
5: pd for Ringing ye Bells00 10 [..]
pd Charges abt a [..] ops Boy00 02 [..]
pd Nurse Naseby< no role > for nurseing him03 03 [..]
pd Expences abt Daniell Oars Child00 02 [..]
20. pd for Shooes for ye 5 Children att Hatfeild01 10 [..]
pd. [..] Spent severall times abt ye Prish businesse00 07 [..]
22 pd Mrs Parrs ½ a Years lodgeing03 00 [..]
26 pd Mary Faircloth< no role > for nursing 5 Children09 15 [..]
pd. Mary Bull< no role > for Nursing Oares Child00 17 [..]
133 06 0 [..]

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