Carpenters' Company:
Minute Books of Courts and Committees

3rd October 1710 - 4th December 1722

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Currently Held: Guildhall Library, London

LL ref: GLCCMC251110078

Image 78 of 4645th December 1710

Court Continued ye: 5th December 1710

Bank bills

Mr. Dennett's Dr. to ye. Companys Iron Chest so £104:5s:0d
taken out this day being ye. Same Bank bills and Mony put
therein ye. 7th Ultimo. With which he is impowerd P
Order of Court this day to buy Exchequer bills and to pay
the same into ye. Bank for a Bank Seald Note at 6th. P Cent.

India Bonds

The Iron Chest is Dr. to Mr. Warden Hedges £600: put
therein ye. day being ye. India Bonds taken out ye. 7th.

Dividend Rect

ditto Also to a Rect. for a Dividend of 10th. P Cent:
pd. into ye. Bank

Mr. Dennetts

Paid by Mr. Dennet for Mr. Warden Hedges
a full of 10 P Cent on ye. Compas. Stockin
the Bank}£28..15s..0d

Reced. by Mr. Dennet for ye. Warden Interest
on ye. above Bonds being}£15..01s..8d

Dividend for the
Bank Stock.

Ditto for a Dividend of 3 P Cent. on the
Compas. Stock in ye. Bank bill £287:10s}£10..01s..3d

Ditto for Prompt payment for Monys
calld in on ye. Stock as above}-..05s..8d

Rests due to Mr. Dennet£3..6s..5d

More Due to him for a bill he paid at the
Horn & horshove in Fetter Lane about the
Compas. Lane business}£0..18s..2d

Due to Mr. Dennetts in all-£4:4s:7d

Which £4:4s:7d. the Warden was ordered this day
to repay Mr. Dennett, and accordingly did pay him in Court

Ashtons Wife

Ordered that the Warden pay Mrs. Ashton ye. Wife of Mr.
Anthony Ashton< no role > forty shillings to put her in a way of
business her husband being very poore & a Prisoner
Also Tenn shills. to ye. wife of Thomas Piggott< no role > , her
husband being very poor & Sickly

a View

Ordered that ye. Master & Wardens be desired to make
a View of ye. houses at ye. hall gate and in Hogg lane and
Report what repairs are wanting. Also View ye. Fence
in ye. Clks Garden and report ye. right of amending the

Moore made free .lb/>P. Redempcon

Ordered that William Moore< no role > be admitted into ye. freedom
of this Company on ye. Usuall and Customary Fees now
paid by those who are made free by Servitude And Accordingly
he was made free in Complyance to ye. following Precepts.


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