Carpenters' Company:
Minute Books of Courts and Committees

2nd February 1787 - 2nd December 1800

About this document type

Currently Held: Guildhall Library, London

LL ref: GLCCMC251020085

Image 85 of 2115th June 1792

At a Court of Assistants Holden at Carpenter's
Hall on Tuesday the fifth day of June 1792


Mr. Lawrence
Mr. Wells

Mr. Hanning Mr. Jupp Mr. Russell Mr. Hudson
Mr. Edgerton Mr. Woodyer Mr. Suter

Mr. James Geale< no role > paid his Quarterage to Lady day -..4..6
Mr. William Williams< no role > paid Do.-..-..8
Mr. Richard Astie< no role > paid Do.-..7..-
Mr. James Cearce< no role > paid Do.-..3..6
Mr. William Haslip< no role > paid Do.-..7..-
Mr. John Schofield< no role > paid Do.-..18..8
Mr. William Havard< no role > paid Do.-..9..6
Mr. James Hury< no role > paid Do.-..13..6
Mr. John Edwards< no role > paid Do.-..4..-
Mr. Henry Madgin< no role > paid Do.-..7..6
Mr. James Cearce< no role > also paid a fine for Non Inrolment 1..-..-
Mr. William Havard< no role > paid Do.. for Do.1..-..-

Attfield to Geale

John Attfield< no role > Son of Thomas Attfield< no role > of Guildford in the County of
Surry Blacksmith bound to James Geale< no role > of Eagle Court St. Johns
Lane Clerkenwell Citizen and Carpenter of London Conson £20

Hall to William

David Hall< no role > Son of John Hall< no role > of Croydon in the County of Surry
Carpenter bound to William Williams< no role > of Islington in the County
of Middlesex Citizen and Carpenter of London Conson Nil

Boggust to Astie

William Boggust< no role > Son of William Boggust< no role > late of Beckham in
the County of Surry Carpenter deceased bound to Richard Astie< no role >
of Great Carter Lane Doctors Commons Carpenter and also
Citizen and Carpenter of London Conson £10..-..-

Carroll to Haslip

George Carroll< no role > Son of George Carroll< no role > of Snow Bill Joiner bound to
William Haslip< no role > of Jewin Street London Carpenter and also Citizen
and Carpenter of London Consideration Nil

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