Carpenters' Company:
Minute Books of Courts and Committees

3rd May 1757 - 5th December 1786

About this document type

Currently Held: Guildhall Library, London

LL ref: GLCCMC251010303

Image 303 of 4691st August 1775

At a Court of Assistants held at Carpenters Hall
on Tuesday the First day of August 1775

PresentMr Turner Master

Mr Whittaker
Mr Steedman
Mr Taine

Mr BiggMr BiddlecomMr AtterburyMr Jernegan
Mr DermerMr OliverMr JonesMr Hanning
Mr JuppMr ReadMr Withers

John Hurst< no role > paid his Quarteridge to Midsr.0.10.0
Benjamin Godin< no role > paid Do to Do. 0.9.0
George Larcomb< no role > paid Do to Do.0.11.6
John Butler< no role > paid Do to Do.1.10.4

Anstey to Godin

John Ansty< no role > Son of Thomas Ansty< no role > of Langton Com Dorset
Yeoman bound to Benjamin Godin< no role > of High Holborn
Haberdasher and also Ci & Carpr . of London Consn £105

Weller to Larcomb

Thomas Weller< no role > Son of William Weller< no role > of Wickham Com Bucks
Malster bound to George Larcomb< no role > of Jermyn Street St James
Carpr . & also Cit & Carpr . of London Consn Nil

Lovelace to Andrews

Thomas Lovelace< no role > Son of William Lovelace< no role > of Charles Square
Hoxton Com Middx Watchmaker bound to Richard Andrews< no role >
of Beech Lane London Carpr . & also Cit & Carpr . of London Consn Nil


Thomas Butler< no role > of Bank Side Southwark Lighterman Son
of John Butler< no role > of the Borough of Southwark Citizen & Carpenter
of London made free by Patrimony

Turnover Brown

John Brown< no role > Son of John Brown< no role > of New Windsor Com Berks.
Ventner bound to John Hurst< no role > of Gate Street Lincolns Inn
Fields Carpenter and now turned over to Sylvanus Hall< no role > Citizen
and Currier of London for the Remainder of his time

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